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I’m Different….


Rapper, "2 Chainz" came out with this song a few years that made everyone go crazy. The song was called, "I’m Different ". Now I get that this song goes into listing worldly things but the declaration is all the same.I know that most people would question how I could mention secular music on a faith based blog, but God has a way with using everyday culture to influence what he would like me to share with others of all backgrounds.. That statement didn’t really mean much then but it means so much now. I can boldly say that, I AM DIFFERENT. I hope you can too.I have changed. I have grown and will continue to do so.

If you are looking for the same old me, you have to keep looking because God has  changed me. Is that true for you too?? Messing with God will have you having trouble recognizing a good way.That may seem scary!That is precisely on purpose and  by design. The whole point is to be changed from the inside out.

I’ve had so many old friends that haven’t said that  I’ve changed, but I can feel the transformation taking place. A difference that could only come from Jesus, the one who died on the Cross and saved me from  my sins.

Here is the difference:

The difference is:I look to the Word and not the World.

The difference: I know no matter how it feels, I am never alone

The difference is: I had to die to my old self  for the one who died for me.

The difference is:  I’m living for Christ and not for blank.

All I’m saying is I’m different from who I was before. I feel that for you. You are reading this on purpose.God is taking you through a transformation. The things that you once desired, you no longer desire any longer. Those years old strongholds are being released. God is changing you to make you different from the world. Say good riddance to the old you and hello to you that was always meant to be. God is what makes us different. Those  who are watching you are wondering what has happened and why. I dare you to look them in eyes and say confidently, Jesus is the reason!!!

Say this prayer:

Heavenly Father,

I come to you giving thanks. Thank you for all you continue to do for me. Thank you for sending your son to die for my sins. Lord I pray to be made whole and different. When I look around I see people doing the same things but I want to be a bright light in this dark world. Help me use the unique gifts that you gave to me to bring people to you. Give me the courage and confident to fully own being different. I ask that you forgive me for the moments I shrunk back and blended in with everyone else. Have me to be true to who you called me to be. Give me discernment, guidance and wisdom to navigate this different path you have assigned for me! In Jesus Name. AMEN

Thank you for reading!!

God bless you! Stay Encouraged & Let God Fill in Your Blank.


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